
Sunday 27 October 2019

Orange Layered Cake

Happy Dewali..
Cuti beberapa hari ni saya tak kemana pun,ada je dirumah..agak malas pulak nak pergi berjalan keluar dari negeri johor..entah tengoklah esok ke lusa kot rajin boleh lah berjalan cari angin sekejap..
lagipun Iqbal bercuti seminggu..Muhammad pulak 30 oktober baru naik sekolah..cuma suami je yang selasa ni dah kerja.

Terpandang kek lapis oren yang pernah saya buat tahun lepas.bila tenung balik gambar kek lapis jadi teringin pulak nak buat..lagipun stock asam masih ada banyak lagi..tepung hongkong pun ada,kalau rajin akan muncul kek lapis dalam minggu ini.
Makan kek lapis memang sedap, tapi kalau bab melapis tu yang kadangkala jadi terbantut nak membuatnya kan..kena kumpul kekuatan baru boleh melapis dengan jayanya betul tak..

Kek lapis orange kali ini saya tukar penggunaan gula kastor biasa tu pada treasure sands hasil paid review bersama Trea suresugarliving gula yang baik untuk kesihatan.yang nak dapatkan gula ni boleh ke ig @treasuresugarliving.

'Treasure sands' dari @treasuresugarliving macam gula biasa.
1 sudu gula treasure sands = 5 sudu gula biasa..
100 gram gula biasa = 20 gram treasure sands.
Treasure sands
- Low calories -5x sweeter than normal sugar
-80% less calories
-Special flavor carrier 'SFC
-100% sugar cane extract
-Taste like sugar

Orange Hawflakes Layered Cake
From Kak Rima

300g butter - i used unsalted Anchor
150g caster sugar 
14 eggs yolks
5 tbsp sweetened condensed milk
1tsp vanilla essence
150g Caster sugar
7 egg whites
1/4 tsp cream of tartar
180g Hong Kong flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp orange colouring
2 tsp orange paste

10 packets of dried tamarind hawflakes

1. Preheat oven at 180c for 15 minutes. Prepare a baking tray 8x3.
2. Ingredients A
Combine butter, castor sugar, sweetened condensed milk, vanilla essence in a mixing bowl. Beat on high speed for 10 minutes until creamy.Add in egg yolks one at a time while beating until well blended. Pour butter mixture into a large bowl, set aside.
3. Ingredients B 
In another bowl whisk the egg whites and cream of tartar until frothy. Add caster sugar a little at a time and continue to whisk for 5 minutes till medium/stiff peak
4. Ingredients C 
Add in sifted hk flour and baking powder into butter mixture.. fold in gently to combine.
Pour the batter is egg white. Mix until evenly mixed. Divide into 2 parts. One part is mixed with ingredients D and one with original color.
5. Weigh ur batter and divide it by the nbr of layers u want ur cake to be. alternating between orange and plain batter using upper fire (add hawflakes on every orange layer, 7mins each layer or until golden brown.. on each orange layer u use about 15pcs of hawflakes)
6. Bake last layer using upper and lower heat for 10mins.. if ur top gets brown too easily.. cover top with aluminium foil.